It's been almost two weeks since I posted! I am sooo ready for June and for this full-time job to be over!!
The winds of change have blown over our little abode again. This Kaleidoscope blog was created due to the fact that we were starting our adoption journey again to a little country called Haiti. We were going to adopt a son. People gave us money. We did everything we were supposed to do. Apparently we aren't supposed to adopt again or it just isn't God's timing.
Not sure about any of it.
I do know that I have fought hand, tooth and nail with God over this and guess what? He won. ; ) There isn't enough room on here to tell the craziness of our adoption attempts over the past four years and more specifically the past year.
The doors are shut.
Maybe we are trying too soon or maybe we are called to just have our one precious, darling PandaGirl. That's right, I said PandaGirl. I have just had the hardest time typing Rainbow Brite on this blog. I thought it went along with the whole colorful kaleidoscope thing.
This is the last post for Kaleidoscope, which means I need a new blog. Only I didn't want to go directly back to Pandapalooza. Sooooo----go here to see our new adventure.
Thanks for hanging with me through this sporadic season and for changing your link to me...again. If you can, comment on the new blog so I know you've come over to the new place! ; )