Sunday, January 11, 2009

Staying Occupied 101


Journey on! by Kelleye said...

What an awesome post! That is some pretty cool stuff you guys did there! Look slike alot of Fun!

Terri said...

Looks like fun!!!!

Musings from Kim K. said...

The crafty mom in me LOVES this post. Keep up the fun! We'd love to join you!!

PS. I'm doing a whole series on Chinese New Year crafts this month on my blog.

Anonymous said...

What a fun mom you are!!! I love the shaving cream, the girls did that a while back fun fun fun.

Jmom said...

Pipe cleaners are the best!

Ashley said...

Fun! Fun! Fun!

Steffie B. said...

yeah....your place kinda looks like my place! lol as we know it. said...

Thomas just made an octopus out of the fuzzy pipe cleaner things and it kept him occupied for an hour!

Ally, big sister to Lillyana said...

THat is such a fun idea!